
Surviving Valentine’s Day

Surviving Valentine’s Day

2 February, 2022

January is over and we are racing towards 14th February – Valentine’s Day.


We seem to have it thrust upon us as the day looms ever closer! Cards in the shops, over priced flowers in the Florist, romantic meal deals and adverts for jewellery.


For some, for whatever reason, whether that bereavement, divorce, breakup or being apart for the day, Valentine’s Day causes many conflicting emotions and can trigger some painful memories. When we get to hear friends excitedly chatting about the plans being made, see the roses delivered to the office and see the pictures on social media we are reminded that our hopes and dreams of what we had planned for this day are just not happening. This is when the reality of life can hit us. It becomes real and it hurts.


If this is true for you then here are a few tips to help you through the day:


Acknowledge the day may be difficult for you.


Do what feels right for you.


Be gentle with yourself. If it feels overwhelming allow yourself to feel and acknowledge your emotions – it is ok to feel sad. It is good to cry.


Give yourself time to do something you enjoy.


Meet with a friend and share how you are feeling.


Those we loved will always be a part of us. Open your heart and allow space for the joy of their memories. The memories you made together. Do contact me if you would support following your loss.